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Capricorn Moon


Capricorn Moon

As we have respect for our beautiful Mother Earth and ourselves take into consideration the disciplines we set for ourselves in our lives to commit to our growth as a community together in love and in establishing appropriate plans and structures that uphold our future conservation.

Trusting in our ambitious selves and taking action as we acknowledge the love and values that are forever in our hearts expansion is favourable as we believe in every step we make to build and establish the resources that support our growth and for also assisting others.

Honouring our body as our temple we bring a beautiful femininity and respect to who we are as we become aware of having stronger boundaries and come into our mastery we open more to our spiritual essence grounding our maturity and disciplines into our physical lives.

Letting go of any old attachments to restrictive dictatorial ways that have dominated our lives and have really been oppressive bring us a chance to transform into making much needed change as we direct and manage our lives in respectful ways that encourages and cultivates more of what it is we have in our dreams and passions to create something beautiful.

As we allow our perceptions of our past conditioning and beliefs, questioning where they have come from we may become aware they are a part of our upbringing or from our previous lives that has shaped our lives to this day and we are ready to make appropriate changes that are possibly out of the box from what we have been used to living in for quite some time.

Our independence and self-directed motivations for pursuing our ambitions and dreams may be challenged as any over attachments to old conditioning demanding we work harder and be rigid in our approach only shows our old ways have oppressive constraints instead of being respectful and honouring of the traditional practical ways of connecting to Mother Earth and the cycles that have been here since the beginning of time.

Are you ready to let go of old beliefs and conditioning and open to new possibilities in your life?

I invite you to connect with me here and allow the love of Reiki to flow into your life:

These beautiful Lemurian Activation Code Cards are encoded with the original Star Activations gifted to humanity by the Pleiadians:

Discover the beautiful introduction to the Shamanic Teaching Wheel of the ShaWomen of Lemuria in this FREE offering with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Lee Carroll, Kryon & Monika Muranyi:

Join the beautiful teachings from Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Star Mothers & Kryon in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel:

‘The basic truths of love and creation were taught here, the truths that would create Humans whose Akash would then carry this forever in incarnation after incarnation. All would get a chance to awaken someday and continue the study of the wheel.’ ~ Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 20, 2017.

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