Capricorn Moon
As Mother Nature brings her cycles into balance honour the Equinox for this energy and allow the flow of balance so lovingly into our hearts at this sacred time as equal light and dark permeate on our planet.
Respect traditions such as honouring the Equinox as the seasons turn in the Northern Hemisphere the shedding is respected to let go of what is ready to fall away and the time for the feminine to rise, to honour this time to go within and grow emotionally, and in the Southern Hemisphere we come out of the chrysalis and emerge into the birth of our new self and is respected as we see new growth and new beginnings, as in ancient times this was the beginning of a new year.
With great respect and value for the love of ourselves and our potential to value our lives as we grow in abundance of our inner light our outer world begins to change in beautiful ways as Gaia supports us as we establish stable and strong structures that will stand the test of time.
Take practical steps as we maintain right use of our resources and use our inner guidance for changes in our physical lives as interruptions and surprises ask us to make decisions that honour our sacredness as spiritual beings and shine our true divine feminine essence to all with pride.
Believe in ourselves as we ground our ambitions and back them with our actions professionally to create supportive steady growth offering practical solutions we truly value. Our relationships come under a spotlight as any imbalance is challenged in our endeavours to build with our passions rather than restrict and asked to be fairly, peacefully and lovingly negotiated.
We may feel the deep letting go of any old ways that are rigid and controlling and issues that have a connection to the father or father figure as they are ready to be shed and freeing the past of its control guiding us in our northward direction, healing and finding our courage to live in our self-mastery.
Honour the changing of the Seasons this Equinox with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon:
Delve into the FREE introduction to the Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel discovering ancient information for our changing world:
Join together in Sisterhood taking a beautiful journey of remembrance of the Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon
Bring balance to your mind, heart, body and soul with the beautiful loving energy of Reiki:
In person appointment:
Online appointment:
‘Was Lemuria utopia? The answer is no, not even close. But it had something else that you should remember. You were first-generation humanity. The Pleiadian were your seed parents, and were not only responsible for your 23-chromosome DNA, but for the core truth of your spirituality.’ ~ Excerpt Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Totowa, New Jersey – June 27, 2015.