Capricorn Moon
With the grandiose view from a high and your loyal intelligent Alaskan malamute companion by your side honour the sacredness as you take a moment to respect the creatures of this world and the beauty of nature that abundantly surrounds for the endurance and determination to reach great heights calls for dedication and determination in your strength and resilience.
As you love and value the divine goddess you are the belief in your ambitions initiates your potential as your physical and committed disciplines encourage your creations into treasured and loving resources structured to support growth to expand and build upon blessing your fortune and luck as you stay aware of consciously listening to your inner guidance ensuring mature responsibility for discerning healthy boundaries for challenges to take care of your sensitive compassionate empathic nature may be influenced in unhealthy ways.
Honour your creative gifts and talents and find your footings as you respect Mother Earth for her creation and sacredness, honour your birthright as the divine feminine and your divine sacredness in no uncertain terms releasing past discriminations and perfectionism of yourself and of others as you unleash your true worth confronting challenges head on embrace the healing of past wounds of feelings of weakness and self-doubt without compromising your dreams for the sake of another to claim your authenticity and independence to shine your light in your loving power.
Sense and feel the beauty in valuing and respecting the strengths of committed and stable relationships as love magnifies your sensual nature. With favourable boundless optimism keep joy in your heart and higher philosophy in mind as truth broadens your perspectives for attaining your goals and dreams with patience through progressive evolutionary change for Mother Earth brings abundance in all forms with long-term responsibility for the environment.
Old oppressiveness and controlling dictatorial underworld hidden agendas and deception builds intensity on the subterranean level releasing and bubbling the constructs of the past transforming society and the collective focus on extraordinary forward thinking advancements in communities and groups and in relationships. With a compassionate loving heart steer your focus to loving you and forgive yourself and others to set you free as love deepens your true spiritual essence.
With strong passions and drive activating your instinctual willpower set practical and realistic achievements as you stay focused and grounded respecting and honouring steady dedicated commitment being aware of aloofness as communications bring a-ha moments and new ideas are amped up a notch or two taking care of over attachment to old ways for challenges with material possessions and gluttony are exacerbated.
Respect the Ancient Tradition of sitting in circle with honour for the divine feminine together in a sacred and safe space for the New Moon in Aquarius:
Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:
In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:
Evoke your Akashic memory with the Lemurian Activation Code Cards encoded with the original Star Activations as a gift to humanity from the Pleiadians long ago:
“It’s got to start somewhere and, ladies, you are the only ones with the seeds (original Pleiadian core truths). Did you realize that? This is where these truths are going to come from in this current culture. The softness of those who give life are women. That’s where it has to come from. It has to make sense to all, and it will. There will come a day when the church counts on this and will ordain women. Believe me, it will be intuitive with the wisdom that is coming. The invitation is yours to awaken. Find the core inside and stand taller because of it. Know who you are. It’s beautiful! ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Kelowna, Canada – February 27, 2016.
