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Capricorn Moon


Capricorn Moon


Open your arms as you feel into your heart and your true potential to believe in yourself honouring each step you take over the next few days on the road to exploring your ambitious dreams with a sure footed connection embracing the love of Mother Earth in your awareness and in any challenge you face along the way trust in your compassionate loving nature to nurture your boundaries and inner strength being aware of your intuitive perceptions with a healthy sense of discernment not allowing the influence of others around you to be swayed off your path.


With your answers always within you slow down the pace and take each step with an optimistic love that encourages the growth of wisdom and success with practicality as you push past distractions letting go of rigidity and demanding manoeuvres taking responsibility in grounding your mystical inner calm into your creative dreams with maturity for building tangible results.


As the comfortable ways of the past are rocked to the foundations in uncomfortable ways change comes with a realisation to step into the resistance for breaking free of attachments to material possessions and the grips of greed to liberate your acknowledgement of your own worthiness and connection to the love of Mother Earth and her abundance she gifts so readily.


Feel into your compassionate heart with kindness as you nurture your inherent distinctive divine feminine qualities with respect and great honour for the ancient traditions of the past for the old punishing ways challenge your path forward as you find your feet to your self-identity and recognise the wounds of your childhood have shaped your reality in undervaluing ways.


In the dreamy realms of your intuition allow thoughts and ideas to open up as infinite possibilities are incoming through communication channels with inspirations bringing beautiful openings as you trust your heart and your gut instincts with an observation to not forget critical details as you secure them in the physical with practical solutions unearthing progressive insights for impactful regeneration.


Come into a divine healing temple for your heart and soul as the Super New Moon in Pisces brings a beautiful gentle feel into the shadows of your soul: 

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle: 

Honour the Ancient tradition of the Shamanic Teaching Wheel with the teachings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:

Re-Awaken your Lemurian Akashic memory with the Lemurian Activation Code Cards encoded with the original Star Activations given as a sacred gift to humanity by the Pleiadians long ago:


““Kryon, does that mean my soul hasn’t been here before 1900?” Now, that answer is complicated. Pieces and parts were here, but not the full Lemurian core energy. You think of yourself as one entity, one soul, one name, and one face. But you’re not. You’re a combination of many energies. It’s difficult t explain, if not impossible. Each time you arrive, you’re like the soup that gets made and comes to the planet. There is a Higher-Self, which is the same core energy every time. But what surrounds it has great spiritual variety. But now, some of you are back with the Lemurians’ core energy surrounding you, something that hasn’t happened for 50,000 years. Those pieces of DNA are being re-activated.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The History of Humanity” given in western Mediterranean Sea 8th Annual Kryon Cruise – August/September 2007.

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