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Capricorn Moon


Capricorn Moon


Feel into the loving beauty Mother Nature enriches your soul as you listen with softness to the messages received placing trust in the wisdom of Gaia and the nature spirits respecting wisdom of the ancients as your imaginings and inspired dreams are sparked with a flow of creative drive open to the boundlessness within for your compassionate heart knows no limitations trusting in your intuitive nature as you communicate with an assertive flare utilising your driven potential into building your ambitions.


The likelihood of aggressiveness in conversations is stirred as feelings of self-justification and intense expressions bring direct truth as challenges are unearthed in relationships facing an overly attached presence to rigid old ways allow your own self love and care to wrap you in love for compassion and love of the self is paramount in upholding healthy boundaries in any relationship being aware some fogginess may illusively lead you astray.


Shadows are seeking the light of love and acceptance through the challenges that keep repeating as signals to change out of restrictive paternal patterns and old childhood wounds shifting the aloofness and oppression as the love of the dragon’s ways guide you into the path destined for your soul leading you with your true passions and desires taking a responsible move into the stream of your sense of self and higher consciousness.


Open to your primal nature as you rise into and harness your innate divine feminine strengths reclaiming the suppressed aspects you have hidden away as a protective means through suppression of the past not settling for degradation in any degree own your self-worth for changes to occur in your physical life with an expansive adjustment to blessings with tangible results as you honour your sense of wealth tap into your innate wisdom to enhance your growth physically and spiritually knowing what you focus on will truly manifest with the power of your love.


In any unresolved past issues that surface now allow any challenges the space to heal as you endeavour to respond with words that are carefully sort from your heart and not your head as frustrations and tempers may shoot with fire for they can’t be taken back once said. A compassionate loving heart enriches your appreciation in partnerships although illusions may hide another’s flaws and shortcomings opening to a deep regenerative impact to advance your perception for visions of love beyond the mundane.



Relax into a beautiful gentle love to balance your mind, body, heart and spirit with Reiki: book your appointment here:


Create A Journey for Your Soul with the loving power of the Moon in the Magical Creations Workshop with some light-hearted fun, find out more here: 


Rediscover your Old Soul destiny with the wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers embracing the ways of the ShaWoman:

It begins “The Dragons of Mu” have come for your transformation and self-discovery, find out more here:


“As many times as I do this, I again tell you what is happening. I take you back to a specific time you call Lemuria. I remind you that Lemuria spans a large duration of time, and so, we focus on a gentle time in Lemuria, a time before it started to submerge. The submergence of Lemuria was very slow and distressing for all. The time we speak of is a time of stability, maturity, and learning within Lemurian society. It was a time when the Sisterhood was active, without outside worry or drama.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Salem, Massachusetts – May 16, 2015.

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