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Capricorn Moon


Capricorn Moon


Feel into your creative feminine essence opening to your connection to Gaia and the Green Earth Dragon as you establish and ground into a more flexible approach committing and honouring the disciplines that support the foundations you have in place explore your full potential for practical solutions come from the heart of your intuitive knowing as the cloudiness and illusions are dissipated through the challenges that may have played a role in avoidance of your true visions and dreams, respect your boundaries and self-worth as you allow old discriminative and over attachment to old outworn ways to be set aside embracing your imperfectness expressing with confidence as you open to your sense of purpose and discovering your self-mastery through the wounds of past shadows, let go of acting perfect redirecting into a taste of fresh new ideas and values and higher knowing unleashing your creative gifts and innate talents honouring your divine service to humanity.


As you take practical steps with loving respect for your ambitions support your growth by believing in yourself grounding plans into the physical establishing strong foundations and cultivating traditions that have stood the test of time stay open minded to new ideas and concepts as you overcome any resistance to stubbornness focusing on a calm approach with interactions leaving dramas and distractions aside for adapting to change and newness may feel challenging as your heart light knows your passions and enthusiasm for your dreams are strong be aware of ego and dictatorial ways stepping in as you consider we are all one with love and compassion in our hearts.


With a more compassionate and gentler approach feel into your intuition as you adapt to taking responsibility for your own boundaries and karmic lessons warm your heart with love keeping the coldness and aloofness at bay as you understand shadows and fears may have come from father issues watch for challenging encounters as aggression and impulsiveness may spark some defensiveness as confidence and independence drives your passions slow the pace a little and take some time to make detailed plans to benefit your future for change in your relationship with finances and material possessions come in unexpected ways.


In the depths of your inner world old stagnant shadows show themselves clearly exposing the undercurrents of behaviours that have had a controlling effect be open to your opportunity to break free from any underlying sense of inferiority as you own your truth and confess to any discomforts, as you feel into your own values in relationships gathering more information to the endless possibilities as choices abound with quick scene changes be sure to trust in your heart and what you love with curiosity and fun for surface level connections and boredom may be felt narrow your scope and engage in decisiveness and commitment for expressive inventive growth adapting to new ways of communicating.


The Lemurian Activation Code Cards for healing are encoded with the original Star Activations given as a gift from the Pleiadians to assist in evoking your Akashic memory:


Open your heart to the love of Universal Life Force Energy, Reiki: book an appointment here with me:


Are you being called to Shamanship? Discover the wisdom of the ShaWoman’s way with the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:


“Look at what you were doing. It was an honoring -  a full honoring of the wisdom of both genders, shared with everybody. This was an “elder ceremony,” as was the tradition. It was a circle of wisdom that involved both men and women. Let me tell you something: Everybody felt it. Everybody felt it! The men enjoyed it because it was a spiritual connection they never were taught. The women enjoyed it because they got to experience a male connection of a practical nature that was refreshing.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Ottawa, Canada – April 16, 2016.

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