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Capricorn Moon

Capricorn Moon


Honour yourself as you shine your light standing tall believing in your full potential holding the beacon in your heart for your ambitions leading you with the courage and strength to naturally lure the jewels of confidence and a compassionate loving open heart grounding your tenacity to support your physical efforts created from the ground up structuring your empire following each practical step on the climb allowing the release of deep seated pains of the past freeing the restrictions and oppressions of over attachment to the old outdated ways to lovingly use the medicine to grow in your wisdom as you engage in conversations with passionate drive and courageousness, watch for miscommunications and overheated words in the moment that stir up dramas from the past, be sure to speak your truth from your heart showcasing your true authenticity through the challenges trusting your intuition as the veils are thin, spend time reflecting and detaching from the illusions as you integrate the lessons of the past allowing any unfinished business the grace and love to dissolve impacting your true identity appreciate the natural leader you are trusting in your destiny as you allow any mental anxiety and over analysing imperfections balance the flow of your loving values in relationships with practical solutions.


As lessons of the past encourage resilience and great responsibility for your dreams and aspirations feel the depths of your soul as you connect with your innate knowing in the gentleness of your compassionate heart, follow your instincts in love and in your ambitious dreams as rocky encounters ask you to foster the balance with your inner passionate feminine sacredness and unique desires with the harmony and connections with others, work on quelling your fears and invalidating yourself to appease others as you let go of domination and control opening to your truest self freeing your spirit to your soul’s purpose, open to the depths of your deepest shadows shining the light on hidden power struggles and underlying addictive motivations shaking the stubbornness of digging your heals in to any healthy change in your values for material possessions and worthiness resolving conflicts and demands of anger and sexual desires as you manage flitting about and having too many eggs in too many baskets adapt to your passionate drive with a light-hearted approach taking your time to cool any hot demands and scattering your energy impulsively.


Respect and honour right relationship with your committed disciplines as you conserve and value your physical efforts to endure and establish practical solutions honouring the resources you have and the resources of Mother Earth guided by the traditions of the ancients restoring your connection to higher love and the oneness of all while balancing the embodiment of your sacred feminine innate power and your intricate needs for equality in relationships as you check in on any low self-esteem focusing your words and communications from the heart and not from the ego asserting your effectiveness for your creative endeavours and realising your willingness for a healthier relationship with your financial and material ways releasing any grips on restrictions of oppressive over working demands.


Embrace the changes with a loving community of sisterhood this Super Full Moon in Aquarius flowing into our lives:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

In Peron Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:


Relax into the gentle loving energy of Reiki to soothe your mind, body, heart and soul:


Are you a Lemurian soul ready to explore your journey as a ShaWoman guided by the wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers? Find out more here:


“Lemuria was a pressure cooker of wisdom. No one could leave the island and no one could come because it was isolated by water, you didn’t meet anybody new, and the traditions survived a very long time. The only thing you have that even came close to it on this planet is in Australia with the Aborigine culture. Thousands and thousands of years of one culture builds wisdom, and you were part of that.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Calgary, Canada – May 23, 2015.

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