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Capricorn Moon


Capricorn Moon


Ground and stabilise your sacred temple onto Mother Earth sustaining your energy through her revitalising strength as you honour her for the life giving resources she gifts discerningly cultivating with precision and practicality embracing opportunities for forward progress as you move through the stumbling blocks of past childhood wounds and beliefs utilising the benefits to alchemise them, initiating your personal leadership skills own all perceived flaws as you focus on speaking clearly opening to conversations and information with respect and professionalism analysing any details, find your footings and believe in yourself through challenging interactions allowing old demanding and overpowering tendencies to subside as you honour your innate inner sacred feminine desires and needs expressing your uniqueness considering the deep longing for balance and fairness in your connections, embody your sixth sense and whispers of intuitive knowing integrating the lessons of the past to free yourself of control and fear to pursue your passions and purpose, resolve any conditioning of monetary issues and staying stuck in the old outdated structures feeling the pulls of balancing the opportunities to intensely protect, nurture and grow with loving support to build and achieve your goals with family values and your soul’s growth in mind expanding your wisdom and intellect boosting your drive to learn with greater curiosity.


With a sense of maturity honour your integrity as you affirm your actions through exploring your full potential with rewarding determination embarking on your inner healing journey flow with the embrace of healthy boundaries grounding your dreams into reality, honour your skills as you continue working on creating and establishing the structures that support your efforts polishing up on your services and wellness regimes with attention to detail, commit to organising yourself with plans to conserve your endeavours checking in with any oppression around time, perfectionism and discriminating behaviours as you embrace working on any concerns in challenging moments in your relationships as imbalances and unfairness go deep in the confines of generational trauma, find helpful solutions that are fair and just instead of sweeping any issues under the rug, honour peace and a heart loving presence working on co-operating to find balance for positive changes for any father issues and rigid ways may need reconciliation from stretching yourself to thin and making impulsive choices, open to a more light-hearted joyful approach in the many new discoveries that lay before you transforming your limitations into self-mastery shedding a light on the shadows bringing liberation from the confines of exploring your true values and leveraging new and unique ways to honour your connection to the love of Mother Earth and your financial and material needs dissolving the old structures awakening your conscious awareness for a more loving presence for everyone honouring your innate sacred feminine power balancing peace and harmony in your partnerships.


Love and respect yourself with the gentle love of Reiki: you’re your appointment here:


Take a transforming journey of wisdom and guidance with “The Dragons of Mu” and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:


Discover the Lemurian essence of Sacred Relationships: find out more here:


“It outlasted the “exclusive expression” attributes of the original Lemuria and made it into some of the most secret societies all over the Earth. It was renamed and even denied by those women who kept it dear, but eventually, the Priestesses themselves perished due to the unbalance that was rolling over humanity. But it never left the Akash of the Old Soul. Like the whispers of a past love, it was always ready to re-emerge and rekindle itself with the fire of compassion for all of humanity.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia – February 14, 2015.

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