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Capricorn Moon


Embracing Grounded Practicality and Compassionate Love.

Embrace the love of Mother Earth as you listen to her heart’s resonance permeating into your heart and body, pick up your tambourine and hold it up to the realms of spirit gifting hope as you play with joy and enthusiasm in times of discontent. Assert the compassionate love of the sacred feminine in you honouring your gifts and your sacredness you bring to Gaia. Embrace grounded practicality in love and resources as a fullness of exuberant generosity and extravagance rolls on in. Optimise truthful adventurous loving partnerships with authenticity embracing fun and adventure with supportive disciplines of over-indulgences. Challenges of the old restrictive ways shake domination and control urging for awareness of addictions and avoidance behaviours. Consider your commitment to your soul’s growth with compassion and empathy for everyone in developing healthy interdependence. Engage in your heightened sense of intuitive knowing surrendering to the flow of the universe in the journey of healing old wounds. Embrace the valuable cultivation of inner strength and resilience, reconciling any control and arrogance of demands on another keeping a check on tempers and being the centre of attention, step into the passions deep your heart honouring your courage to show your fearlessness from a loving and compassionate heart presence.

Honouring Boundaries and Sacred Feminine Power in Relationships.

The time of facing the cause and effects of past choices are flowing through into reality as the gifts of responsibility for actions taken asks for more meaningful maturity dissolving limitations. Inspire the restructure of your boundaries and accountabilities as encounters challenge the depths of fully embodying your sacred feminine powers and reclaiming your voice without fear of judgment. Balance your innate sensual desires within intimacy honouring the desire for equilibrium and fairness in your relationships. Use decisive action releasing blame as any foundations built on solid foundations can flourish, and those lacking equity may crumble. Note inaccessibility to your vulnerability and emotions letting go of cold heartedness enhancing your true identity. Honour your soul’s growth and evolutionary path trusting in your full potential and artistic endeavours taking ownership of who you are and your hearts meaningful aspiration for your ambitions. Delve deeper into the beliefs and distortions of old childhood wounds impeding on your self-mastery uncovering what’s hidden from the surface. Feel into the intensity of your true sacred feminine powers exposing your true feelings trusting your psychic perceptions in your relationships, encourage the depths of your authenticity as penetrating truths surface for transformation.

Transcending Limitations and Discovering Spiritual Growth.

Secrets and corruption come to light highlighting the world-weariness of old structures and attachments to old ways. Lead with respectful gestures and supportive guidance with your heart on your sleeve through the push and pull of challenging dictatorial domineering encounters recognising we are all connected and impacted on all levels. Embrace the moments to transcend limitations dissolving the separation of reality, hold love and forgiveness in your heart as you allow the freedom of your true worth to shine through. Respect traditions that have stood the test of time resolving and reassessing your beliefs, redefine ways of communicating with integrity expanding your consciousness as you discover new and interesting ways for your spiritual quest believing in you express yourself with courage and strength.

“Today this light is coming to you, this masculine light is not her to intimidate you. It is here to show you your strength. And your strength, Beloved Ones, comes in so many ways. You may be very strong at cooking. You may be very strong at directing or playing music. That may be your strength. Or you may have several strengths. And you may ease into your strength with feminine wisdom. But your strength runs through you for your life.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, October Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, October 1st, 2020.

Embrace your sacred relationship with you and join the spirit of the Pleiadian Star Mothers to guide you: 

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