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Capricorn Moon


Capricorn Moon


Aligning Intuition with Purpose.


Open your heart in trust to the vastness of possibilities beyond any limitations as you take what you feel intuitively is for you now. Instill compassion for yourself and others allowing the waters stillness to infuse the love of the sacred feminine in you respecting Mother Earth nourishing your body with her sacredness. Breathe deeply and ground yourself into the present moment accepting the past cycles, shedding the old skin ready for a beautiful renewal of your true essence. Tune into your intuition and psychic abilities conversing with your imaginative flow and infusing your dreams with renewed discipline taking each steady step in the direction of sustaining and establishing physical security. Conserve your resources with practical solutions and plan the structures to support your growth valuing and believing in yourself and your abilities. Give thanks for the reminders of oppressiveness and over attachment to old patriarchal ways pushing you to boost your own passions and drive. Be aware of motivating yourself and value the sparkling essence in you, encouraging greater perceptions of how your relationship with others are and how you identify with beauty and abundance in creating your reality. Let go of rigidity and shutting your heart off relaxing into your emotional sensitivities.


Expanding Through Emotional Wisdom.

Trust in the unknown and beauty of dissolving the barriers as challenges assist you to evolve through the uncomfortable into the boundless realms endlessly offering creative flow and imaginative inspirations tapping into the source of unconditional love. Create a captivating blend of balance expressing your uniqueness honouring your sacred feminine powers while fostering harmony in your relationships. Explore each other’s dynamics to cultivate individuality that supports healthy connections as you nurture desirable boundaries harmonising with the gifts of emotional wounds assisting you to love and accept yourself more. Receive the invitation from the universe to explore the magic of your dreams opening your mind and intuition to think out of the box encouraging receptive communication to guide you. Harbour strong intuitive feelings and motherly instincts managing the pull of father/mother dynamics playing on the see-saw of your emotional heart strings. Be sure to acknowledge any disharmony in connections to the past and your family lineage interplaying in the playground in your inner home and physical environment. Raise your spirits with healthy choices strengthening your courage through tough encounters as a replacement for aggression and competitiveness releasing self-doubt and indecision to gain your confidence.


Harnessing Discipline for True Growth.

Adapt to the gifts of the universe enhancing your trust in the abundant resources available to you comprehending with discernment the full potential to grow your wealth and opportunities, keeping your eye on the prize watching for distractions and over-indulgence. Listen to your body’s innate intelligence as you embody the wisdom of Mother Earth recognising the richness in accessing her sacred wisdom while flowing with your spiritual capabilities discovering profound inner peace in the development of building your dreams. Spur on a disciplined approach re-evaluating your values reflecting on your uniqueness and your true nature to build long-lasting authentic bonds in your circles and relationships without losing your individual self-expressions and needs for your own sacredness. Respect the shedding of unconscious addictive obsessive desires and control, ending the cycles of destructiveness enriching the soil for your new seedlings to be planted for humanities freedoms. Be inspired in deepening your mystical pursuits and connection to the rhythm of higher consciousness guiding you to embody and master the unknown as you discover grounded practical traditions securing your growth.   


“This is a beautiful time. This is a time of transformation, the caterpillar and the butterfly, whatever metaphor you wish to use. You are ushering in The Age of Light, a time of new beginnings, a time of cracking open the chrysalis. And it is sometimes difficult. And it is sometimes scary, but indeed, you are all the butterflies, all the angels, all the children of the Star Mothers and Grandmothers and Great-grandmothers. Your lineage is long and strong. And though there is at times, some confusion you do have the teachers to go to and the internal teacher, the memory of your Lemurian Akash. Go there. Feel that. Remember that each one of you – no one is left out here – each one of you is here on purpose. So come into the portal with us. Step in, fall in, pour in, lie in the portal.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, August New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers, August 14th, 2020.


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