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Capricorn Moon

Capricorn Moon

Take a breath of fresh air and surrender to what is right now as we move closer to the New Moon in Pisces the energies are waning and asking us to soothe ourselves and to do some sort of healing to let go of the old to make space for the new to come in at New Moon.

We may be feeling a bit oppressive now and we may be clasping at the old and outdated ways that are punishing, dominating and controlling rather than supporting us for our lives moving forward and we can see this in the world now and it may be in our own lives also.

It’s our time now for showing our respect and honouring the ancient traditions that have stood the test of time, for our action in this will only have a positive effect on our future and our generations to come.

Building on and establishing security in our lives and our world through right use of our resources and with practical solutions and honouring our earth we can initiate change and create for a better world for us to live in.

Maybe spend some time sitting with ourselves and asking some deep questions through automatic writing such as:

How am I over-attached to old ways?

How am I over paternal towards others?

How am I cold and aloof?

If any chronic ailments are presented to us now do take notice of them as they are signs our body is giving us that something needs attention in our lives, they may show up as stiffness, sprains and inflammation in the bones and joints especially the knees, inflexibility and depression.

Take it easy over this time and take care of ourselves, have a bit of fun as all work and no play is no fun at all and bring that younger self out once and a while.

Come and join a safe space for women in the Women’s Red Tent Circle at our next circle this New Moon

You might be ready for some energy healing with me so do contact me for an appointment

‘Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.’ ~ Elbert Hubbard

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