Capricorn Moon
The Capricorn Super Full Moon occurs 4.37am Thursday morning Sydney Australia time, check for the time in your city here:
Our work and our home structures will be shining in the light of the Moon now and highlighting what we are physically building in our lives and this may be a time where we have some shake ups in these areas if they are ready to be completed and have outworn their life cycle.
Our growth in our world and our personal lives is ever evolving and as we build on our security of our lives we can take practical steps as we commit with physical effort. When we value what we have been building that ultimately gifts us with our rewards in the physical world and our days feel less depressive and mundane.
Old ways may be becoming a thing of the past as they may not be working in our changing times. This is a time of being respectful of what was and giving thanks for what it has given us.
Give love and kindness through these times as our childhood may have brought us up with some times of punishing ways from our father or father figures and affected our life to this very day. Be mindful of being rigid and controlling and know that we may be feeling a sense of fear to protect ourselves from being harmed in any way.
Love and forgiveness at the Full Moon time will bring the release you may need right now and take some time for you to work through anything that is coming up now.
Bring more love into your being with the beautiful energy of Reiki, connect with me here:
Evolve with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:
‘There is always light behind the shadows, which do you choose to see.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers
