Gemini Moon
Place your hands on your heart and feel deep into the love, now connect deep into mother earth’s heart and bring her energy up into your heart, now connect deep into the heart of the universe and connect all hearts together as one in your physical and energetic heart.
Feel the balance this brings to your mind, body and your soul as you balance the masculine and feminine together and take this balance with you throughout your days as the moon moves through Gemini over the next couple of days which could see your thoughts playing some sneaky little tricks on you.
Any communication is best coming from a place of balance and gives a more stable approach to any conversation that may need to be had as we can better see another’s point of view. Misunderstandings have come about through an unbalanced thought process and taking a step back to seeing how have I contributed to this brings an awareness to not always assume what the other is thinking.
Bring back some spontaneity into your life, lighten up and allow the love from your heart to radiate out into your daily activities. Socialise and become curious about life and what is on offer, there may be new ideas that just pop into your mind and if so go with it and see where this may lead for change can be a good thing.
Self-love may be a challenge and could show up by the need to judge others and to gossip to make you feel better within yourself. When we are responsible for our own short comings or our distortions that are not of a loving nature we then begin to make those needed changes because in the end we are only judging ourselves and hurting ourselves through our life.
Any body ailments showing up to alert you now in your shoulders, arms, fingers, lungs and upper rib area are there as a sign of stuck energy that is asking to be released.
You may be ready to take some action steps to improving your life now, I am here for you as your energy healer and support for your mind, heart, body and soul to come back into a balanced state:
‘When we turn to our innate wisdom for the harmony of the mind and gut, we heal the entrance to the heart as it seeks to beat in rhythm with the world.’ ~ Stephen Levine
