Gemini Moon
Light up the masculine and feminine within you and bring balance to you and your life as the Full Moon asks for your balanced state now. Listen to your heart and soul and come back to your passions that light up your inner resolve.
Follow your heart with confidence and trust in the magic of the universe and the higher plan as the light of the moon shines brightly revealing anything that may be have been hidden. Take care of the love for you as communications are heightened with possibilities of anger and frustrations in the mix in our own lives and on our planet.
Deep inner wounds from your past or from your childhood may surface and you may feel this through your emotional being and as you do try not to push it away instead allow for it to be surfaced and be seen with love, let the healing process take place as tears assist with this healing.
Allow this potent time the love it needs as the past is letting go of anything that is not of love and is guiding you to love who you are and to bring balance to the choices in your life. Communicate to your heart and soul the love that you are and believe in you, as life takes on a whole new meaning to find what excites you and what makes you curious to explore new ideas and adapt to new situations that are on the horizon.
I invite you to join our Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle tonight and bring balance and magic into your life:
Or you may prefer our Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle the choice is yours:
You may be ready to explore new experiences with Reiki energy healing and heal from any wounds that are deep within you:
‘We came to your Earth because of Her moon and the synchrony of regulating the women’s cycles, this is the ultimate balance.’ ~Pleiadian Star Mothers
