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Gemini Moon


Gemini Moon

Life brings with it our need for finding balance in all things, in our physical life and in our spiritual life, in our relationships with others but also our relationship we have with ourselves. There is two sides to our nature and having a one sided nature with ourselves tends to bring us out of balance and we may find we are focusing on either our physical life too much or we may be focusing on our spiritual life too much.

Bringing our intellect and our inner knowing together to be in harmony our life can be explored with versatility and we can bring more of an understanding to our relationship with ourselves and with others by seeing things from the two sides of our nature.

Trying new things that can bring excitement and change are favoured and finding those things that you can be focused on without getting bored will keep you interested and committed. There may be great ideas that come to you when you are connecting with others either online or through social gatherings so get out there and mingle.

Have enough courage to love who you are and have compassion and unconditional love for yourself for your journey so far, don’t look back just keep your loving focus in the forward direction. When we focus on the love that is universal this brings in more love, so let the fear of the past or the future go and be in the now.

Judgments from others and gossip that may even be a bit fiery could be in the air over the next couple of days and do be responsible for your words now.

Are you feeling out of balance and feel you would like help in re-balancing your heart, mind, body and soul, then connect with me here:

‘The mundane and the sacred are one and the same.’ ~ Alan Watts

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