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Gemini Moon


Gemini Moon

Be a little curious and spontaneous, lighten up and have some fun with life and explore new possibilities that bring a cheerful and happy sense of self into your life for there is so much more to know and learn.

Adapt to new possibilities and situations as our soul embodies change to evolve through embracing the need for finding a balance with our spiritual essence and our everyday mundane life being aware of communications being challenged to any imbalance within ourselves and with others.

Communications in loving ways will lead to beautiful connections first and foremost with ourselves and also with others, speak your truth and there will be no miscommunications.

Value the divine feminine and the divine masculine in you as you hold the love strong within your heart and soul and believe in the beauty you radiate to expand as you strive for your hearts true desires.

Take care of any judgmental thoughts that may lead you to down the rabbit hole for wherever our thoughts go is where we will end up. Find the love within you then there will be less of a tendency for any unnecessary gossip and fickle behaviour.

Keep your interests for life engaged in curiosity for boredom only comes about if we are not allowing our soul the grow through our lack of excitement for our life.

Balance your body, mind, body and soul in the love of Reiki, book here:

The remembering of the ShaWoman in Lemuria comes to us now with the teachings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Mele’ha and Kryon, find out more here:

‘Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.’ ~ Albert Einstein

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