Gemini Moon
Ground and align your divine feminine and divine masculine energy within for communication is incoming that may bring sudden change in your life and in the lives of our world as the moon cycle is coming to an end bringing a beautiful and powerful time of shedding through the death and re-birth process.
Now is a time to honour yourself and your own needs to slow down and take some time to go within as you reflect and rest your body, mind and your soul to soothe any inner emotions that may need some love and attention as you bring your awareness to your values you hold in your heart respecting you and your journey and taking them forward with you into the new moon cycle.
Place trust in the universe and surrender and let go of any resistance to change as we are preparing for the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere on the 21st June, 2023 it may be helpful to receive an energy healing such as Reiki, tapping or Theta to assist in releasing what is ready to go now.
Allow your spiritual essence and your compassionate heart feel the stability in your physical life and keep your dreams alive through any communications and challenging situations. Find within your heart and mind a beautiful connection to balance your rational mind (left brain) and your spiritual mind (right brain) for a better understanding with the connection with others to see another’s point of view.
There may be many possibilities to explore in connections with others and new information to analyse but do consider not taking on too much and spreading yourself to thin or abandoning your current plans to satisfy any boredom that you may feel.
Lighten the energy with some light-hearted fun but watch for gossiping and any judgmental tendencies as social gatherings with friends and siblings are very possible over the next few days. Newness is in the air as the New Moon in Gemini asks us to make the changes for our soul growth as our feminine powers to create our new Lemuria reign supreme.
A beautiful time this New Moon in Gemini to gather in the Women’s Red Tent Circle honouring the divine feminine allowing our hearts to open to magic and the power of the Moon:
In person circle:
Online circle:
Join together to honour the divine feminine with the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon as we enter into the Solstice magic:
‘In time, the attitudes regarding menses became archaic and ignorant compared to the way they were in Lemuria. You see, part of the woman’s mystic was the privilege and given as especially high role in how the culture thought.’ Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Calgary, Canada – May 23, 2015.
