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Gemini Moon


Gemini Moon

Feel into our hearts as our passionate and loving self leads our conversations from this space opening to speaking our truth effectively with others as we may have some challenging interactions we need to get through as we face some hard truths in our physical lives.

Our adaptability to new messages coming in and seeing things come to light that may have been hidden away from our knowing will help us to make decisions with the information and our intellect to make appropriate changes that may be needed now.

As we strive for our inner balance of the divine feminine and the divine masculine and live our lives in wholeness be a little curious to explore new possibilities that excite you and bring you a sense of fun. Do lighten up through any misunderstandings as we are all in this together helping each other as mirrors to heal from our shadows and accept and love them as one.

Be in our beautiful powerful feminine goddess energies as we connect, network and share our ideas and participate in inspiring ways and keep any boredom at bay. Watch for any immaturely and judgmental fickle goings on as what we focus on expands.

Explore our multiplicity as the wonderful spiritual beings that we are on our beautiful Mother Earth and let’s learn to change our ways as we allow our hearts and minds to work together in creating our new Lemuria with our beautiful Pleiadian Star Mothers.

Come into circle in sisterhood as we align with the moon assisting our creations in our hearts to be nurtured and seeded into our lives:

In person Women’s Red Tent Circle Dark Moon in Cancer:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle New Moon in Cancer:

Are you guided by the Pleiadian energies and interested in remembering your Lemurian Akash as a ShaWoman, it may be your time now, find our more here:

‘See, duality is something that belongs to all of you. She knew she was working with her duality as all Humans do, and when she watched the leaf burn, she knew she was free!’ ` Snippet from Kryon channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota – July 22, 2017.

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