Gemini Moon
Breathe in the freshness of the air and connect to the fun loving energies of yellow blossoms lifting our spirits from the mundane goings on of our lives. Ask for the yellow faeries to come into our day and help us find joy as we may have the opportunity to see where our boundaries are lacking and how we can take a closer look into our personal responsibilities for our own energy and our dreams.
Feel into the love of our divine feminine power to assist in any communications that take place and could possibly have the ability to fire up some tricky and harsh words. Use this action inspired fire energy to create with curiosity instead anger and immaturity as our words have a powerful force behind them to create or destroy.
As we strive for honouring ourselves as spiritual beings and balancing our heart and coming from a place of love, what is out of balance within ourselves and in our lives will be shown through others as a mirror for us to see and accept to assist in our healing journey to come back into wholeness and into our self-mastery.
Open to the beautiful expressions of our hearts as we really allow our creativity the space to be explored through multiple ideas and options that come from an open mind and our intellect. Our heart and soul requires growth through finding what it is that really is burning within and as we follow our hearts lead any boredom and shallow goings on are put to rest.
Connect with the Moon and her cycles in sacred space together honour our divine feminine essence and our beautiful Grandmother Moon:
Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:
In person Women’s Red Tent Circle:
Let the Love of the Universe merge into your heart, mind, body and spirit with Reiki, book an appointment with me here:
The Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon guide our Lemurian Akash as we remember our teachings of a ShaWoman in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel, find out more here:
‘You are women, and we have said this every moon cycle, you are women and how you connect with the Moon is something that you have known since the beginning of time.’ ~ excerpt of Pleiadian Star Mothers Channeling to the Lemurian Sisterhood, July Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, July 5th 2020.
