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Gemini Moon

Gemini Moon

Finding new ways to keep our intellect interested be versatile and curious as information abounds but do be cautious to over thinking as any incoming information from the past may bring misunderstandings and possible trickery and bring some challenges that need to be actioned, it is time to let toxicity from the past go.

In our endeavour for living a balanced life through our rational mind and our spiritual essence open and harmonise with the love that is so beautifully shining luminously within our being as our passions and drive encourage us to defend our warrioress in the name of peace and justice.

As change is in the air connect to the deepest parts of our feminine powers that have been hiding in our subconscious and allow the changes to take place as our commitment and self-discipline to our spiritual path is challenged.

Take our time in any adversity as our innate spiritual abilities can adapt to new situations and learn through our challenges to open and expand our cosmic consciousness into our self-mastery and to love who we truly are.

Any details that may need some attention with our health and our service are highlighted as messages are communicated so take care of any mental challenges and judgments of ourselves and of others.

Soothe any mental challenges with the balancing energy of Reiki: Book your appointment here:

13 Moon Cycle Wisdom Teachings of the Pleiadian Star Mother, Kryon & Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:

Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness with the Shamanic Teaching Wheel to guide us:

‘The Sisterhood was not a social gathering. It was a spiritual gathering for certain women who would gather together. Their “business” was the spirituality of the continent of Lemuria.’ ~ Excerpt of Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Salem, Massachusetts – May 16, 2015

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