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Gemini Moon


Gemini Moon

As we steady ourselves and find a place of balance grounding and anchoring our energies into Mother Earth find the harmony and peace within our hearts to communicate effectively together as our thoughts may run away with the wind and be scattered if we are not balanced with our spiritual essence and our rational mind.

Exploring the possibilities that are endless in our lives stay open to new exciting ideas and be a little curious to any change that peaks our interest for change keeps us motivated as we find our courage from past pains that have helped let go of old wounds to gain our confidence and love who we truly are as shining luminous spiritual beings having a human experience creating our New Lemuria.

Be the peaceful warrior as we co-create together for we are all one and strive for justice and harmony letting the old patriarchal ways subside leaving them in the past as we consider and weigh our decisions as we gather information to clear up any misunderstandings that may have taken place.

Have an awareness of any gossip and hypercritical behaviour as turbulence may stir up tendencies to be overly focused on the little details in our communications with tests to our spiritual progress and creative dreams.

Trust in our hearts passions to lead us as we feel deeply into our divine feminine power opening our hearts as we lighten up and make life fun with a childlike flair to our essence. Spend time with others we feel a connection to and network in beautiful ways.

Open to the loving power of Reiki to bring balance to you and your mind, heart, body and spirit:

A beautiful opportunity to gather in person on this powerful 11:11 transformative journey in Sisterhood together with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf as we connect with the teachings of the Pleiadian Star Mothers

Discover ancient knowledge in the Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon:

‘We are, indeed, the mothers of you all. And we ask you in this time to begin to empty yourselves, yet again, of the things that no longer serve you. And as you examine what that is, step outside your now self and see yourself in those days of Lemuria when we were together in the physical, and you did not yet complete your Lemurian Akash. You were a student. You were learning. You looked at what happened in life, what people said and did. You looked at those things from a balanced and impartial perspective, through the eyes of the Divine being that you were learning about in those days. For you were born with that divinity in Lemuria. But you also were trained to see what that means and how to live. And you were, of course, told that you would come once again in many, many lifetimes to be a part of the history of the change on the planet Earth.’ ~ Excerpt from Pleiadian Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, September 2, 2020 – September Full Moon Lunation.

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