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Gemini Moon

Gemini Moon


On the rocks as the waves crash in steady your centre as you balance the masculine and feminine energies in your heart for you may feel swayed off centre through the great power coming from the deep depths that have been hidden in the underworld for so long washing away the old structures that transform the foundations you are standing on.


Consider your versatility to adapt to the spiritual realms as your heart of compassion seeks a pure connection embracing this into your physical existence for tests challenge a steady persistence to establish responsibility to practice grounding your mystical nature into your everyday life. Try to keep things light-hearted with a curiousness as you explore your multiplicity and with an open mind to any sudden changes and information that comes your way.


As great alterations shift your reality in unexpected ways allow your higher intuitive mind the space to integrate any incoming revolutionary insights in safe ways grounding and connecting to Mother Earth with respect for your own energy and individuality as the aligned luminous divine feminine priestess you are letting go of any discriminative tendencies towards yourself and others as you open to your divine feminine powers.


Others may not understand your drive and passion for your ambitious goals you possess with your intuitive mind as communication may feel unbalanced so take care of communicating effectively for more of an understanding as any feelings of unworthiness are centred deep in the wounds of the past driving you to discover your true identity and where your true path leads.


Analysing what is going on through challenging encounters brings some clouded thinking and confusion and things may not be readily seen for what is truly going on in relationships as there feels a push pull in discovering a deep balanced open hearted connection with adventure in mind and expanding your horizons with a philosophical connection and not one that is only a flash in the pan.


Learning to either sink or swim in the discovery of a compassionate heart rough waters guide you into taking responsibility with healthy boundaries and self-sabotaging insecurities as you explore new perspectives to ascertain any ungrounded scattered distracted tendencies resulting in judgmental and unreliable connections that have nothing in common with your high intellect.


Embrace a playful and joyful approach with curiosity for change to learn and discover your multidimensional being embodying your self-worth and heightened earthly abundance of growth available to you as you stay open to new possibilities that others may have trouble accepting and understanding the higher knowing available to them.


Love and respect your feminine essence in circle this Full Moon with sisters of love:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Leo:

In person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Leo:

Balance your mind, body, heart and soul with the love of Reiki: book your appointment here: Online or In Person:

Reawaken your Lemurian Akash with the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’h Wolf: find out more here:


“When you came into this planet originally as Lemurian, you had no idea that you would pass this final marker. In fact, it was against all odds. You had failed three other times and the predictions this time, at your birth, told of the same. Yet, there was always the potential and the chance and, indeed, now here you sit in 2015. You passed the marker and you are a woman. Within this, there begins a special kind of change.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho – January 10, 2015.   


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