Gemini Moon
Embrace the feelings that are driving deep transformative changes as irresistible force meets immovable hidden dynamics guiding you to profound alterations with humanities best interests at the core as you follow your hearts desires and passions melding with the divine masculine and the divine feminine energies within you invite balance and compassion as fiery destructive forces fly about.
With a curiousness in any challenge feel into and trust your heartfelt dreams as your higher mind opens to new ideas with the bigger picture in focus allow rigid and stern rules to diminish away moving into the sea of mysticism and creative disciplines grounding them into your reality while you honour the sacredness of the divine feminine and your temple taking a stand for who you truly are and your divine birthright.
Let go of judgmental shallow ways of the mind as self-sabotaging patterns show where your imbalances lay for past childhood wounds bring a determination to discover destructive patterns to lead you towards appreciating your true identity and loving yourself in confidence for who you are now for your destined path to fulfilment leads to enlightened progressive awareness towards new exciting people and communities.
Hold compassion and empathy in your heart keeping your boundaries in check as communications and encounters bring challenges that are best faced and discussed as misunderstandings may need to be cleared instead of drowning the uncomfortable in escapism and addictions for reconciliation may be the best adaption for transforming the past into a new way forward for the New Lemuria to reign free.
Balance your entire being, your mind, body, heart and soul with the Love of Reiki: book your appointment here:
Meld with your Star Centres awakening your DNA with the Pleiadian Star Mothers love flowing into this beautiful meditation:
Enter the gateway of new beginnings as your sense of higher purpose melds with the teachings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers through the Shamanic Teaching Wheel: find out more here:
“Dear Shining Ones, we step forward into your circle. You know our love lives on the edge of this circle all the time. We are those who, as we say in the Lemurian Teaching Wheel, we are those that influence you from the outside circle. We are, indeed, the mothers of you all. And we ask you in this time to begin to empty yourselves, yet again, of the things that no longer serve you. And as you examine what that is, step outside your now self and see yourself in those days of Lemuria when we were together in the physical, and you did not yet complete your Lemurian Akash. You were a student. You were learning. You looked at what happened in life, what people said and did. You looked at those things from a balanced, impartial perspective. You looked at your own feelings as they arose from a balanced and impartial perspective, through the eyes of the Divine being that you were learning about in those days. For you were born with that divinity in Lemuria. But you also were trained to see what that means and how to live. And you were, of course, told that you would come once again in many, many lifetimes to be a part of the history of the change on the planet Earth. You were the history once. You will be the history again and perhaps again, should you so choose.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, September 2, 2020 September Full Moon Lemurian Lunation.
