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Gemini Moon


Gemini Moon


Teetering on the handle bars enjoying some fun in the fresh air open to a light-hearted spontaneous curiosity about you as you kiss the sacred masculine energies and honour your divine feminine essence within explore the benefits of both finding balance in your every day for change may be just around the corner upheaving the creature comforts of your material possessions and finances you have become accustom to taking you on a ride that you have no choice but to just go along on opening to the mysteries and formlessness that abounds in the unseen realms carried into your physical existence.


Be receptive and open to new enlightened ideas that bring deeper change as hidden dark secrets beckon for the truth as you honour your sacred divine feminine temple and boundaries liberating your own gifts and talents and owning your innate feminine powers know revolutionary emergences for the higher good of society are ever evolving and imminent.


In the ever changing interplay of your life find balance within, focus and be adaptable with a curious nature for boredom and an unfocused mentality may have self-sabotaging effects in relationships flitting in and out of love with the need for appeasing adventurous desires that lead with impulsive behaviours for quick pleasures to feel good in the moment bring challenging rides of emotions that push you forward trusting in your intuitive knowing to not drown in the abyss of the unknown but to take responsibility to let go of any victim mentality and open the hearts of love and compassion to find your direction that feels the most flowing in your purposeful perspective.


Connect to your inner child as you let any judgments of yourself and others from the past diminish freeing you of any need to exaggerate the truth or disseminate gossip guiding you into moving out of your comfort zone with a fearlessness to believe in your own authenticity and truth individuating owning your own identity to explore and learn new possibilities in a fun and exciting way as encounters bring closure progressing you into your compassionate inspirational heart and emotional intelligence valuing and leading you to your path to wholeness realising the underbelly of the relationships with others may have nothing in common.


Immerse into the loving energy of Reiki to assist your mind, heart, body and spirit into a more balanced state:


Embrace the wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers Teachings for the New Consciousness in The Shamanic Teaching Wheel:


Evoke your Akashic memory with the gift from the Pleiadians long ago encoded in the Lemurian Activation Code Cards:


“Now let me tell you something that you may love to hear. Between 1987 and 2007, something amazing happened. Due to the new energy, the crystals awakened in the Cave of Creation that had Lemurian names. They whispered, “Time to come back!” Three hundred fifty million of them. Listen to this, listen – all of the Lemurians who ever lived on this planet are alive again in Human bodies right now and are back! They are spread all over the globe. Listen, I’ve got a roomful of them right here. I’m looking at them. And that’s why you’re here, dear one. That’s why you’re reading this. And you wonder why you resound with these things? You wonder why you’re vibrating higher? You wonder why there’s an alliance with your cellular structure and the Kryon? It’s because you’re Lemurian, an Old Soul in a new energy.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The History of Humanity” given in western Mediterranean Sea 8th Annual Kryon Cruise – August/September 2007.

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