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Gemini Moon


Gemini Moon


Let your hair down and relish in the laughter and joy with others as you let yourself be free and light-hearted in the spontaneity of the moment connecting and socialising together letting go of any self-worth inhibitions and judgmental tendencies feel into the expansiveness of change as you stay curious and adaptable to new information that may spark your interest checking in with your innate intuitive perceptions for what feels right in your heart being mindful of any confusions and illusions from the past that may surface in conversation for your divine feminine powers bring rise to the loving choices to forgive and be free to understand deeply the old traumas of power struggles and relationship entanglements are coming to an end.


As you explore your multi-faceted nature be sure to balance your spiritual essence and your rational mind connecting and embracing your individual flare and courage unlocking your bright and creative potential opening to unique ideas and possibilities with a passionate drive for creating and leading the way forward be sure to feel free to communicate effectively expressing your words aligned with your true heartfelt driven passions taking care of any rash and harsh words as you take the chances to live your best life and own who you truly are as challenges are here for you to take responsibility for your own boundaries and resilience with perseverance to explore your inner realms and open your heart with compassion embracing the flow of spirit. 


There’s no beating around the bush with your words as your flashy intellectual expressions are on point encouraging open lines of communication be mindful of gossip and quick-witted responses in the heat of encounters release the need to control and for things to be perfect owning your imperfectness unite and surrender to oneness trusting in your bodies feelings connect to your intuition with a compassionate loving heart use your discernment and wisdom from painful lessons to know what is healthy for you and what is draining you as you catch any incoming insights for adjustments may be needed for a resolution.


As the Moon is waxing this is the perfect time for Magical Creations… I invite you to the Magical Creations Workshop! A Journey for Your Soul:


“The Dragons of Mu” bring wisdom and a mystical powerful transformational journey channelled through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:


Allow your mind, body, heart and spirit loving healing with the gentle powers of Universal Life Force Energy, Reiki: book your appointment here:


Enter the Gateway of new beginnings in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel with the Pleiadian Star Mothers teachings:


“Changing consciousness and thinking differently are core issues, not simply the application of information. The decisions you make after an Akashic awakening are totally different than if you had never awakened. You awaken and, in the awakening, you’re different. The very awakening itself then creates a different you. I wat this to make sense to you. Some things are just this way. You come into the fruition of another reality and the decisions, the questions, the answers you give, and the wisdom you have, are now different.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Portland, Oregon – July 25, 2016.





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