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Gemini Moon

Gemini Moon


With a big heart embrace, merge your focus into your hearts centre as love is generating your inner planes balancing your sacred masculine and your sacred feminine essence, as you shine your brilliance immerse in the higher realms of love shedding the old limitations of duality and illusions opening to the deeper perceptions of your true self acknowledging the old beliefs and shadows that no longer serve your highest good as challenges rock the heart of relationships opening diverse communications allowing for conversations the space to clear up and refine any details that need analysing, be in gratitude as you bring a focus to any criticism and fault finding in yourself and in others watching for defensiveness and aggression assert your individually and adaptability with a passionate heart intellectualising the fluidity of an open mind embrace the diverse spectrum of your thoughts as you infuse and thrive on connections and opportunities with curiosity and knowledgeable vitality be sure to connect in with your heart for any quick decisions making encouraging much needed change in the old confines of low self-worth and lack mentality for the long term.


As you reinforce your strengths to lighten up and invite your childlike nature of fun spread your wings in the mystical truths of higher knowledge discovering a balanced feel within you allowing your mind to serve with higher intentions flow with the deeper delights of the gifts of abundance weaving through your soul urging your path to unexplored territories, embrace your innate skills as you embark on a new spiritual journey owning your uniqueness fostering your inner desires for deep loving balanced relationships with harmony and fairness allow any fear of losing your independence the sense of freedom as you integrate with your deepest feelings look into the shadows of seeking perfection and beauty in another only looking on the surface level allowing vulnerability and your sacred feminine strengths the space to reclaim your voice asserting your desires with non-judgment as testing encounters come to sharpen your efforts and maturity in your self-mastery discovering the opportunity of both the rational mind and the spiritual self with empathy as you listen to your intuition work on setting healthy boundaries releasing the need for escapism challenging the deepness of your perception and connection with the oneness of everything embracing the power of your inward healing journey healing the wounds you have been carrying allowing your true self to emerge through the process.


With the messenger of the gods favourably bestowing information and ideas stay open to new ways of progressing with discernment refining your communication skills leading with love in your heart and expressive gestures shining with creative flair honouring and valuing your gifts and creative visions feel a sense of pride through your big heart and loyal nature in relationships being mindful of over bearing feats and shallow expressions as you embrace challenges that ask for your courageous self honouring and balancing your sexual desires and innate feminine powers stimulating your intellectual and aesthetic senses bringing reconciliation to your deeper shadows and hidden sensual desires and power struggles assisting you to discover your true soul’s progression.


Honour your sacred feminine and sacred masculine in the loving safe sacred space of the Women’s Red Tent Circle this Dark Moon in Leo:


Heal from your childhood wounds with the love of Reiki: You’re your appointment here:


Improve your relationships with the ancient wisdom of the Pleiadians: learn more here:


“So each moon is a time to go more deeply into that, to shine more light onto that Akashic record crystal and let it tell you what is next. Let it show you, let it give you hope in this part of your body where your heart is, your broken, wounded, closed-down, terribly afraid, and vulnerable heart. Open it. Let us do the healing. Let us bring you, give you the gifts of an open heart, the gifts of trust and surrender. Let us shine this moonlight and do some heart surgery on you so that you begin to see the world through that beam of your heart that is full, that you shine from a place of fullness, not need, not lack, not less than, a place of fullness, a place that is inside, that is like the hub of a wheel and the rest of you revolves around it. Do you feel that beautiful spiral as you revolve around the centre of your physical body?” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, December 30th, 2020.

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