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Gemini Moon


Navigating Higher Consciousness with Courage and Flow.

In the Moon’s waxing glow attune yourself into a calm presence in your heart as you steer yourself through these words for your highest good navigating the high seas into higher consciousness taking you away from the old structures of stagnation. Feel free to explore new waters with curiosity and fun as you acknowledge the beauty of harbouring the sacred feminie and the sacred masculine within you redefining your values and beliefs in unexpected turns of events liberating you in the impermanence. Release resistance trusting in the Star Mothers love and your brave hearts truth remembering to send love to Mother Earth and her sacredness honouring the ending cycles on the way to discovering the pure gold of your unique and beautiful soul for regeneration from the pain of uncovering unconscious power struggles and addictive patterns. As the high winds pick up bringing a multitude of information from the heavens fasten yourself on tightly checking your compassion and sensitivity compass in the restlessness as an influx of thoughts and fresh solutions flock in encouraging a courageous offering to speak what’s on your mind in the moment. Wipe the salty waves from your eyes and grab your binoculars to see beyond the current waters in flooding and clear the deck knowing there’s no right way to venture into the realms of the high seas discarding the need for perfection as you adapt to the excitement of not knowing the way ahead. Challenges may lay ahead so be aware of a lack of healthy boundaries and shallow judgmental mindsets contemplating your own intuitive instincts without escaping completely into the abyss of no reality. Take a well-earned break to refill your self-love compass as you surrender to the flow of the divine leading you into the myriad of expanding the gold within you deepening your beliefs and knowledge on the travels across the sea to broaden your horizons and find greater meaning in your life.


Releasing Resistance, Embracing Renewal.

Ditch the dead wood on board ignoring the problems needed to be tidied up testing the troubled waters trying to teach you to set things straight and bring back the balance of your sacredness within you. Prioritise your quality of self-care making room for new perspectives naturally immersing into the flow of spirts love finding new solutions to explore in the lushness of choices keeping in mind to check on discerning what you bring on board. Support yourself as you tend to your inner wounds with compassion and love recognising where your lack of confidence and lack of boundaries has stemmed from. Lighten your heart as you see the interplay coming from your own inner imbalances setting sail for opening to your true expressions of your authentic self. Let the waters dissolve the ego’s need for control through the choppy seas calling in your inner wisdom and compassion find the courage in you to surrender and release the strong hold on you seeking the truth through your intuition rather than be tricked into the minds endless silly games they play not getting stuck in the same old ways that have been immersed in. Adapt to beautiful facets of the intriguing feminine waters within you evoking your innate qualities of an unconventional demeanour liberating yourself and your own uniqueness accepting all aspects of your deeper sensual intensity navigating the beauty of discovering harmony and balance in your partnerships while on board honouring each other’s needs and desires not avoiding any difficult choices and gaining an understanding of different viewpoints and perspectives as waves come crashing in with bursts of communication and quick sliver tongues could be tempting in the mischievous nature floating about, catch yourself in the moment of brilliance never second guessing yourself as you use your words to bring any restlessness into the bay.


“And we ask you this, with the light that is here, see yourself and all of your strengths and even, as our beloved Mele’ha just said what you do not know are your strengths. And that is perfectly beautiful. You will. You have a whole life to focus on your strengths, to shine the moonlight, the wisdom of your Lemurian Akash on these strengths, to find out what they are. You have some strengths that you do not know yet. That is exciting.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, October Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, October 1st, 2020.


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