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Gemini Moon

Gemini Moon

Balancing our head and our heart might be a tad challenging over these next couples of days as we are at the First Quarter Moon phase bringing in some challenging energies as the Sun and Moon are at a square and some deep transformative energies in the mix.

We might see in ourselves how our communication skills help us or hinder us, and maybe we are denying one side of ourselves, meaning our masculine and our feminine selves and our balance with both, for when we have a balance with both we can have a more balanced approach in our communication with others and we will benefit from seeing things from others point of view, seeing the two sides of things.

Adapting to change and having a light-hearted approach may just help us get through as we gather information and explore the possibilities that may be before us.

Maybe we can explore possibilities of any online learning or gather information through the internet and try something new that we are curious about. Networking with others will be beneficial as we take this time to be more social and have some fun in the process.

Do watch for any shadow traits showing up as a sign for us to recognise in ourselves that may need attention such as gossiping about others to appease our own lower self-worth and being judgmental and hypercritical.

We may also have signs from our body signalling there is dysfunction and these may show up as sore shoulders and arms, particularly the nerves, our lungs and upper ribs may be signalling something is out of balance.

As a way of bringing more balance to your body, mind, heart and spirit I offer Reiki healing to assist in the releasing of the energy that is stored in the body, contact me for your appointment either in person or through distant healing

‘The Pentacle – The ancients envisioned their world in two halves, masculine and feminine. Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power. Yin and Yang. When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world. When they were unbalanced there was chaos.’ ~ Dan Brown

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