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Gemini Moon


Gemini Moon

How am I communicating with others?

Do I have a balance between my thoughts and my heart and soul?

We will be experiencing some challenges as our heart and soul is being tested by our rational mind. Maybe our balance of our rational mind and our spiritual selves is leaning more to one than the other and in understanding when we are balanced between both we are able to communicate better as we have the sum of both.

We can display mental immaturity and spread gossip as a means to gain a sense of superiority as our self-worth may be low and to temporarily fill our own cup, to gain sympathy or attention as a way to make ourselves feel better but this is only a temporary fix. Self-love and to raise our own self-worth is the only way we can be at peace with ourselves and be happy in our own skin.

As the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse has been we have experienced some big energies and we were gifted with the Venusian energy of love and beauty allowing our hearts and soul to experience this.

In these changing times as Eclipses can bring and Gemini is a tad this way as well do allow for any changes as new situations may be spontaneously arisen. Being versatile will help and be curious to learn new things.

Our intellect may be ready to explore more so do take some time for gathering information and network with those of like mind. Life is ever changing and so are we and our lives.

Have a more light-hearted approach to life and explore possibilities that present themselves, allow life to be a tad more fun. Use our words with affirmations each morning with inspiring words to raise our self-worth and repeat it throughout the day. Watch a funny movie and laugh out loud.

I invite you to join the Women’s Wellbeing Day with beautiful inspiring speakers and women, click here for more details

Are you feeling you are too much in your head? I can assist you with easing the mental stress with Reiki, click here for more details

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