Gemini Moon
Thoughts come and thoughts go, but do we really understand that our thoughts create our reality. Maybe we are unaware of the thoughts we have and just keep going through our day… maybe we catch ourselves thinking the same thing over and over again and maybe those thoughts are not for our highest good and leading us down the path of life that has more challenges than we really wish for.
Our thoughts do have a powerful energy and they create our reality. We are challenged each and every day with these thoughts. Catching ourselves in the thoughts that are not really true or serving us in a good way creating these ‘things’ in our lives that are maybe detrimental to our health and well-being is the first step, then we must change those thoughts to allow our neural pathways the opportunity to create new pathways that serve us better. Take a look at Tony Robbins info on the mind here
Now there is our heart… are we listening to our heart or is our mind taking over? This is the question as we may tend to deny one or the other. The aim is to find a balance with both our head and our heart, our masculine and our feminine, the esoteric and the mundane. Our world changes as we learn to allow our heart to lead as we allow our head to assist in the journey.
Are your unconscious thoughts and beliefs leading your life? Would you like help in releasing those unconscious thoughts and beliefs? Connect with me as we use Reiki to assist you in your life:
You may be guided to begin a journey as a ShaWoman and to learn the ancient ways of Lemuria with The Pleiadian Star Mothers, Mele’ha and Kryon to bring compassion and love to your life and to the lives of others, click here to discover how:
Connect with women in circle at our next Women’s Red Tent Circle for the New Moon in Gemini and allow the magic of the Moon to assist you to make a new start in your life:
In person circle:
Online Circle:
‘You either control your mind or it controls you.’ Napoleon Hill