Gemini Moon
Looking at life with a curious mind and having fun and bringing an air of excitement into our days as we explore with a loving and open heart will definitely assist us in our endeavours in our daily lives. Lighten up as we communicate together and allow our feminine and our masculine traits the ability to merge as one to have a balance of both and not one or the other.
Stand on the Mother Earth barefoot and imagine energetic roots going down into the crystalline red orb of Mother Earth and bring her loving and supportive feminine energy up through your roots, up through your body spiralling up through your chakras to your crown chakra, now imagine energetic branches emerging out of your crown chakra and spreading up through the sky, out to the Great Central Sun, Alcyone the Father, and allow his golden white light to permeate into your branches and bring his masculine outward loving energy down through your branches and into the crown chakra, allowing his golden white light to permeate every cell of your body and into your heart, now bring both energies of Mother and Father into your heart and feel the love radiating out into your entire being, (Soluntra King :
Allow our shadows to be seen by the light which may show up as our thoughts in a lower energy state of spreading gossip and being mentally immature, being judgmental towards others and towards ourselves, and being fickle and unpredictable in our behaviour.
Do take some time to notice any shadow traits coming up and allow them to be seen and recognised for if we keep denying our shadows they will keep showing up stronger and stronger, for whatever we resist will persist.
Come and join our next Women’s Red Tent Circle as we share a safe and respecting environment as we work on our shadows:
In person event:
Online event:
Work with me as we delve deeper into bringing more balance and love to you:
‘We ask your consent as we prepare your path of sacred transformation’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers
