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Leo Full Moon


Leo Full Moon

Claim your brilliance, open your heart to the love for you and your soul as the creation of life unfolds before you now. As expressions of the heart are guiding the way rise to the courage within you to have faith and trust in your passions to move forward with appreciation of your life and all you have created to this point.

Lead with determination and also with joy, have fun and celebrate how far you have come on your journey. Bring peace to situations that you have felt hurt your heart and allow this powerful time to be in your heart, give thanks and forgiveness as sudden insights and realisations bring change.

You are the creator of your life and yes you do have the power to make changes for the better for yourself and with the bigger picture for humanity as we bring more responsibility for our own energy we are able to not give our power away and be depleted.

What is in your heart?

What do you wish to create?

What sort of life do you want live?

The choice is ours to make but will it have some challenges? Yes, I would say so, as getting out of our comfort zone and our old ways of being can be challenging.

I invite you to join the Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle which is on the 5th February, here are the details:

Bring some more love into your life with Reiki and let it help you shine, connect with me here:

‘If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.’ ~ Frank Lane

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