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Leo Full Moon


Leo Full Moon


Open to the loving power of the Sun radiating into your heart as it shines on the Full Moon gifting you your courage to express and create through your heartfelt passion as you embody your compassionate loving power as a sacred luminous divine being for appreciating your gifts generates the freedom to your true uniqueness.


As subconscious deepness arises and shines from the hidden underworld extraordinary developments brings a sudden release to open to powerful forward advancements and breakthroughs and revolutionary change.


Expressions are on high as the emotional tension may feel strong and fired up as encounters shake up what is out of alignment with your true inner essence and your true values for honouring and expanding your knowing of your self-worth and need for fulfilling your dreams for a stable connection to the wealth and loving abundance Mother Earth freely provides.


A steady pace is favoured as you slow down and honour your journey and spiritual growth through the old pains and hurts of the past with a greater understanding the karma is ending and releasing allowing for responsibility in any reactive circumstances to not re-activate those wounds to relive them again feeling your need for a more harmonious and loving path moving forward with commitment in love and growth that celebrates your ambitious gifts and talents to shine through.


With the momentum and life force opening to the new age feel into the aliveness of your loving compassionate heart with determination and enthusiasm for your life to enjoy and celebrate with inspiration and generous fun loving expressions for love is the highest power not fear.


Allow the beautiful love of Reiki into your entire being to bring your mind, body, heart and soul into balance: book here:

Pleiadian teachings for the New Consciousness for your heart and soul:

There is a beautiful sacredness in these Lemurian Activation Code Cards, fnd out more here:

“And we ask you that right now, whenever you are listening to this, wherever you are, whether you are by yourself or with others in your now human reality. Take a breath and make a tone. And notice that that tone vibrates back and forth from the crystal. And you can feel the crystal in the center of the circle. You can feel your tone vibrating there. And as it vibrates, it sends a wave of energy vibration, a replication of your tone back to your throat. And from your throat, it streams down into your body all the way down through your feet into the earth. And from your throat, it rises up through your head and out the top into the heavens. ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Meleh’a Wolf, May Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, May 7,2020.

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