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Leo Moon


Leo Moon

The gift of the sun and it’s radiating energy and the moon both together in the sky brings a beautiful shining energy of appreciating who you are and your own hearts passions to be renewed and to be created with enthusiasm and courage as we are on the precipice of the New Moon in Leo, check when it is new in your city here:

Shining out in the world your creative side and leading to express yourself and to inspire others to also love and appreciate who they are for we all have our own special gifts and talents that will help others in their lives.

Finding the courage will be a challenge if you haven’t accepted and appreciated you own hearts knowing and to step out of any fear that may be keeping you small for the lion spirit is a powerful and courageous force so maybe take some time to sit in the stillness as we are in the Dark Moon phase to feel into your heart and seek what is the fear that is there and then ask lion spirit to assist you in releasing the fear so you can step out with the passions and love in your heart to be free of it.

Your ego may try to keep you in the drama of the 3D world but in trusting and knowing there is a higher power and a higher purpose for all of us here we can begin to love ourselves for who we are and to allow our lives to change from the old constructs keeping you stuck in the same old dramas into a life where we can shine our true lights out and live with our hearts leading the way.

Are you looking for a community that is from a loving heart space and is here to help you to shine your light? Connect with me and discover my offerings to assist you here:

Maybe you are from Lemuria? Take a look at this free introduction for the Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel with Lee Carroll channelling Kryon, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and the Pleiadian Star Mothers:

‘Dear shining ones, our spark forever lives inside you as a spark of the Divine.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers

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