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Leo Moon


Leo Moon

Our challenge to lead our lives from our heart may bring up some deep seated fear as we move through the Third Quarter Moon Phase. We may be faced with a decision to make as we come to a crossroads, ‘which way will I go’ we may be asking ourselves.

Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate our life and to trust in our heart, take some time out to get out of our head and be in nature, put our feet on the Earth and allow the connection and breathe in the balanced energy into our heart of the Earth and the Sun, balancing of masculine and feminine energies.

Leading with our hearts and finding the courage to overcome any fear we may be feeling through a playful and light hearted approach as we quiver and shake just like the lion in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ trying to find his courage. When we overcome and face our fear it has no more control over us.

The lion is the leader and leadership through inspiring others with our creative endeavours may just help to change someone’s life, in expressing and appreciating our true hearts desires we allow others this gift also.

Roaring and dominating others and expecting others to devote themselves 24/7 to meet the needs of oneself and thinking this is love, may surface if we have been traumatised in our childhood. Do allow for any unresolved trauma to be healed through love and through Reiki or any other energy healing modality.

It is time to shine out and not to cower and retreat back into the den. It’s time to celebrate our life and love, love, love….

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