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Leo Moon


Leo Moon

Express yourself with confidence and your primal feminine essence, allow your beautiful shining heart be seen with magnetism showcasing the power of the feminine as she rises. Bring inspiration to every moment of your life and feel into the depths of your courage as you allow spirit to guide you forth.

Generate a loving presence and open your heart as you strive for ideals that bring connections of love and not of fear and egoic dramas that only keep you from your true inspirations and from shining your light.

As your confidence grows, finding your strength in the endeavours that you are creating helps you endure your passions as life is a playground for fun and games along the way, if we constantly move through life with no passion and inspiration and are disconnected from our soul, from spirit it becomes all the more dramatic and ego filled.

Connect to the areas of your inspired potential as you entertain your life with determination and fearlessness, and find the courage in your heart as you appreciate yourself as your feminine power grows ever so stronger.

Step back from the projections of others that wish to dominate and control as their fear brings this into play, come into your heart and know that love is the answer and that fear is the distortion that is still playing out.

Can distortions of the lower energies be changed? Yes, most certainly, and only when there is an awareness of them and the free will to begin to free them from your life. Will it be easy? Probably not, but the outcome will be.

Are you ready to clear lower distortions from your energy? Connect with me here:

A FREE introduction to the Shamanic Teaching Wheel in the Lemurian Shamanism School:

‘Light is to darkness what love is to fear; in the presence of one the other disappears.’ ~ Marianne Williamson, A Year of Miracles.

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