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Leo Moon


Leo Moon

Rise to your beautiful shining self and feel into your heart, appreciate and express your heartfelt creative side. If there is some sort of diminishing feeling know this is your time to delve deep into your inner being and search for any saboteurs that may be still residing there from your childhood to be seen and to be loved.

Find the courage to be who you feel your heart and soul has come here to be. Be proud of who you are and except your shining light with humility and grace. Be the leader in your life to express your soul to others through the eyes of love as the appreciation of others and their expressions of their soul also brings greatness to our world.

Your creations are guiding you to your true north at a slow and steady pace and in sustaining your progress there may be a shake-up in your material life to persist and shine through the creative soul you are, so feel into your heart for your inner knowing and believe in you and your passions.

If there is too much to drama and heated egotistical issues going on around you take yourself away from this and go and play with your younger self, have some fun and lighten the load.

Take care of your heart and if you feel issues in your heart know that love is the answer for you.

A great place to start would be my beautiful Star Centre Meditation, find out more here:

Find the love and respect for you in our next Women’s Circles:

In person circle:

‘The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?’

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