Leo Moon
Dancing the dance of life with the power of love as our guiding light open your heart as you balance your energies with the ebb and flow of the moon. Her brilliance is opening your divine feminine and your divine masculine in a harmonious glow and brilliance allowing your joy and your creativity to be expressed in all you are creating.
Feel into the beauty of your healing journey as you appreciate your growth into self-mastery and overcoming any fear to communicate with courage to be the beautiful goddess you are here to be. Let your generous loving heart open to the mysteries life is bringing you now and have some fun in the process.
Allow your heart and soul to lead the way as you hold your dreams in focus and trust in your intuitive receptive abilities through any disapproval or illusion of others perceptions as they may try to discourage you from your dreams.
Be gentle with yourself through the seasonal changes of the Solstice energies as all that is ready to shift from your life and may come suddenly with great changes that set you free of anything that is no longer aligned with your heart and your truth.
Open your heart and shift with the Solstice energies as Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and the Pleiadian Star Mothers guide us through this beautiful time in our lives: https://www.shamanicteachingwheel.com/a/2147574523/4JxiveAg
Heal any heart imbalances with the gentle yet powerful love of Reiki, book here: https://www.lisaclarke.com.au/services-and-booking
‘Your intuition is a precious gift. Cultivate that voice to find your truest messages of LOVE.’ ~ The Pleiadian Star Mothers