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Leo Moon


Leo Moon


Feel your heart open as you shine your light allowing yourself to glow in your beautiful sacred feminine essence expressing with love and confidence lead with your loving compassionate power owning your sacred gifts step through the demands of drama and gaslighting respecting yourself for your divine creative gifts and sacred kundalini power to shine through and lead letting go of holding onto perfectionism inspire others to shine their beautiful divine gifts as you trust in your hearts knowing to expand your connections and discoveries with diversity and fun feeling deeper than the surface find the courage to broaden your horizons as unexpected changes from the comforts of the norm shake up current relationships with money and materialism as challenges encourage the need to honour what you value and preserve what you have started with dedication and persistence sustaining the growth in a steady and passionate light.


Hold your heartfelt dreams close to your chest exploring your imaginative freedoms and creative flow seeking inspiration through your connection with your intuitive inspirations strengthen your creations from a higher lens as you feel into the joy and love of life for diving into the destruction deep within your unconscious opposing forces seek the decay of the past childhood wounds that have been repressed as you remove the blinkers of illusions for the evolvement of your loving soul with your eternal heart to be reborn again leading you to open to your true identity and passionate drive with determination in the encounters of change.


Utilise the wisdom you gain through the pain healing with the medicine of love awakening your empathy and sensitivity to understand others pain as you reconcile with the lessons of hard realities faced open to disciplining yourself with your spiritual practices as your hearts dreams are recognised more clearly harmonising with your heart in generosity and love stimulate your senses as you lead and open to conversations with intelligence and interesting and different views to keep things thought-provoking and fun in your relationships keeping a light-hearted approach in any drama induced interactions do be mindful of being over-bearing and getting bored as having diverse options can be an impulse.


With endless possibilities that sweep in and on offer allow your curiosity to go a little deeper into the heart of the greater meaning living your life with courage in a triumphant way be sure to check in with your heart as skimming the surface may lead to many sceneries that are interesting but superficial be sure to slow down and connect to the beauty of nature and your own needs and desires in the heat of the moment as you stay enthusiastic to achieve your dreams with your creative flare consistently and tediously progressing for the long haul work on resolving any deep hidden shadows and escapism.


Take your soul on a journey in the Magical Creations Workshop creating with the power of the Moon:


Love yourself in the beautiful healing energies of Reiki soothing your mind, heart, body and spirit: book your appointment here:


“DNA has been proven to be multidimensional. DNA, when present in a specific experiment, can change the spin of an electron in a quantum field. Dear ones, only another quantum element can do that. Therefore, your DNA is not three-dimensional like in other mammals. Instead, it is hooked t the Creative Source and it is ready to work to its fullest. It doesn’t have to be activated. Only your belief has to be activated.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle, Continued” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 22, 2012.     

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