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Leo Moon


Leo Moon


As you treasure your heart continue to shine and celebrate you in the presence of your inner light embracing this time to soothe your soul surrendering to the universe in the flow of the balsamic moon appreciating who you are allowing a heartfelt upliftment leading with courage, releasing the illusions ready to be shed as you heal from self-destructive addictions and escapism, feeling the deep need for balancing power dynamics in the depths of your shadows with the romance of life, flow into evocative creative arts expressing and leaning into exploring your desires and the desires in your relationships finding a compromise honouring your sacred feminine essence and your distinct uniqueness in the longings for equality, checking in with your feelings and any emotional trauma from your past childhood wounds heralding in your compassionate loving nature as you slow down recognising where your boundaries are formless sacrificing yourself and your energy.


Invite in change in any unhealthy relationships with your worth, money and material possessions harmonising with the love of Mother Earth and her abundance appreciating your inspired talents and gifts as you recognise and appreciate the gifts and talents of others, confidently unlock your true potential as you feel into the peace within you harbouring your natural innate feminine instincts embracing your deep desires for harmony and balance in your relationships, express any fears of losing your independence in the complexity of any hidden inner struggles and desires unifying the balance of the sacred masculine and sacred feminine within you as you allow the integration to harmonise a sense of greater understanding and fairness in partnerships harnessing your loving heart and inspired sense of purpose with words of upliftment rather than domination and control imbuing your mind with vibrancy and curious imaginative focus opening the multiple information and options to achieving your passions take a sensible approach in your choices with a cheerful glow and a generous heart expanding your joy and optimism in the journey of discovering a broader metaphysical truths.


Preserve your inspired heart and self-expression with your will and courage to achieve what your heart is set on embracing the gifts of your wisdom and knowledge gained through the wounds you have endured using your medicine as your healing tool opening to compassion and insight to heal and guide others finding a way to invoke your heart into the disciplines of the hard lessons to achieve your goals, flow with your dreams through the challenges into mature spiritual structured currents unearthing any stubbornness for revolutionary change and addictive dramas, breaking out of long held beliefs and methods you have depended upon, building and sustaining new and practical long lasting foundations in your worthiness and values for your financial growth appreciating the gifts of preserving the love of Gaia and her resources, feeling the drive and fire in your enthusiasm stimulating an energetic buzz use your energy with a focused intent with mindfulness of slowing down pacing your decisions with your heart leading as you notice any overbearing and impulsive prompts setting the scene work on resolving deep seated hidden forces of power struggles and secrets as you dive below the surface into the underworld of your psyche releasing illusions and addictions stripping away any facade to face reality and open to the beauty of the oneness of creation.


Honour the Sacred Feminine in the flow of the New Moon in Virgo in the gentleness and loving space of the Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:


Enrich your creations with the power of the Moon in this beautiful Magical Creations Workshop! A Journey for your Soul: find out more here: 


Journey into the sacred teachings of a ShaWoman with the Pleiadian Star Mothers by your side:


“Question for Kryon: Kryon Book 13, The Recalibration of Humanity, was about the beginning of a New Earth, a result of the recalibration of self, of the planetary grids, and dark and light. As we begin to recalibrate and rewrite our future, how will this change the Akashic remembrance of the sinking island events?

Answer: The reason for this planet is for Humans to have a test of light and dark, for the greater evolvement of the galaxy. Planet after planet has done this. First, the inhabitants of these planets are seeded (DNA change) and they learn about the Creator and realize that they are not alone. Then, they understand about the one God instead of many. Next, they either destroy each other because they disagree about resources or about how the “one God” works, or they start understanding the oneness of it all. Finally, if they get through the war stage, they start to awaken to the idea that they are part of a larger galactic family and start to evolve as a planet.” ~ Excerpt from the book The Women of Lemuria Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, Kryon, Monika Muranyi with Dr. Amber Wolf.

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