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Leo Moon


Embracing Inner Light.

As you feel the Sun’s vibrant light radiating into your back lift your arms high surrendering to the vulnerability of an open heart flowing with the Moon’s presence melding into your inner dimensions, feel into the motivations of your creative spark steadying your mind and focusing on the desires of your will that is creating your existence. Reflect on the reminders driving external validations surfacing for you. Release fears and egotistical temperaments in healthy ways as you connect to your courage residing within your compassionate heart recognising your soul’s significance to triumph and lead with your creative inspirations shining in generosity and love discovering your own gifts and appreciating the individuality of others. Shift your perspective on the narratives of your beliefs and habitual ways clarifying any misunderstandings in conversations evolving from the ripples of deep hidden desires lurking in the dark empowering yourself to be free from dramas reclaiming your true essence and unique individuality to live liberated from social division restoring balance of a joyful heart opening to more playfulness and creativity as you discover the flashes of genius shifting your sense of stability and security.


Cultivating Authentic Growth.

Feel inspiration stirring your life with enthusiastic participation loving the tests to lead with determination and drive keeping a check on self-centredness and dominating others as you invite your journey of the unknown to interplay with your natural gifts and soul’s growth investing in your authenticity noticing unhealthy attachment styles from your past. Find a balance between your determination to lead with your heart’s full expressions in love and creative interests with an open minded approach for unconventional love stimulating your intellect and senses detaching from the conventional exploring compromise and harmony to find balance and fairness for your own needs and your partner’s needs reflect on your beliefs and multiple views rediscovering and expanding your consciousness to a world of greater meaning through the grace of your heart feeling a source of strength through compassion from the wounds deeply felt resolving the lessons and limitations of cause and effect gaining self-discipline in the times of reflection for healthier boundaries and grounding in spiritual practices.


Embracing Transformative Love.

Breathe into your heart as you connect with your truth and inspirations creating with love and not fear finding the joy and fun rather than focusing on apathy and anger, commit to pouring love into everything moving in right relationship with creation with warmth and courage believing in yourself taking care of destructive addictive behaviours through the challenges disrupting the apple cart release any resistance to change into a loving healthy connection to your true worth and honouring your relationship to Mother Earth and her resources. Reunite with the oneness of unconditional love opening to the realms of your higher heart renewing your commitment to live in alignment with the love of the Star Mothers and spirit trusting in what is unfolding for you and releasing the need for control and domination as clarity imparts upon your inner knowing in challenging encounters to resolve conflicts reconciling with the unconscious patterns bringing them into the light of love to own your own identity and embrace you’re hearts truth.


“We came to this planet to bring divinity. One of the main reasons we came to this particular solar system was because this Earth has that beautiful Moon. We watched her. We watched her path. We watched the things that happened on the Earth as she went through her cycle. We watched the humans, the women who responded to her cycle, and we said, “Yes, this is the perfect place for the New Lemuria.” We bring that to you now, a little history, so that as you begin your connection with your Lemurian Akash, this waking up of what it was like to be in Lemuria, to live in Lemuria, to live as Divine, that is what is available to you now.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Meleh’a Wolf, December Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, December 30th, 2020.


Enter the New Consciousness remembering your Lemurian Akash as a ShaWoman: find out more here:

Give your heart the love it needs: 



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