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Leo Moon


Leo Moon

The heart has such a powerful and loving energy and as we begin a new month of July bringing us new beginnings as we go within our spiritual essence we are given this loving time to really feel into our hearts and allow it to lead us to our loving life.

As we move forward use the creative sparks that guide you and express yourself with a big heart to be there to inspire others to do the same, for we each are here to shine our true gifts out for all to see and appreciate.

What we give out is what we will get back, it’s the Law of Cause and Effect.

Let’s benefit from Leo’s beautiful traits of generosity and appreciation as we find the courage to open our hearts and live life with joy and love for all as we are all one big family after all. We can live in this melting pot with each other with love as we overcome our past hurts and heart breaks as they have taught us that this is not how we want to live and there is more to life than living in our ego and dominating others through fear of not being loved.

It’s time to let go of the drama and fear and come back to our true selves and that is living our life with balance in our hearts with love for all no matter what we have been through.

Let’s celebrate life for what we have is beautiful here on Mother Earth, we just need to take a step back and look at the beauty she offers all of us.

Balance your life with Reiki Energy Healing with me with my special price for the first week of July

Activate your Pleiadian Multi-Dimensional DNA with the Star Mothers and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon

‘You are giving birth to a New Humanity and a new place in your consciousness.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers

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