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Leo New Moon


Leo New Moon

In the purity of our hearts light let it shine as we open to the love that is within us all. Stand tall as though we are the sunflower following the light of the sun, the light that shines our authentic individuality and our truth and loyalty as we honour our faith in the love of the Universe.

As we immerse in the presence of the beauty and glow of the sunflower, ask her for her healing and powerful energies into our solar plexus and let it burn away all that is holding us back and to align with the truth of our life and bring strength for our assertiveness as we grow in our love and hearts knowing.

In the darkness of the New Moon as she wanes she asks us to be gentle with ourselves as the cycle draws to completion moving into the newness of our next cycle, our shadows and distortions that lay deep are felt now for them to be shed and released opening for renewal into our hearts true passions to lead our life in generosity and appreciation.

We may be feeling a deep connection to our heart and as we open to this love the realisation of the love that has been missing for Mother Earth and our connection to her and to each other brings a tug of war to the way our lives have been and are at present.

In these changing of the cycles we may be facing sudden realisations, shake ups and change in what is not of love and is not sustaining for ourselves and our planet. As we move with these changes and follow our heart we have the power and courage of the Lion’s heart in overcoming our fears to live in our sovereignty, in balance with the divine feminine and the divine masculine within shining out with love that is our birth right as spiritual beings having our human experience here on our beautiful Mother Earth.

Let any fiery dramas and domination subside as we analyse any details that need to be taken into account and bring our focus to our inner drive for our creative passions and new ideas, feel into our courageous heart for knowing our next steps to take. Awareness of communicating our dreams with others may have some confusion with possible frustrations as we may be miss aligned in our life directions.

Begin a new cycle and align with the Moon and her mystical powers in a beautiful sacred space honouring your divine feminine essence:

Online New Moon in Leo Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Dark Moon in Leo Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Come into a space of love with the Pleiadian Star Mothers & Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and lead from your heart as a ShaWoman:

‘This is the community of stars, of star seeds. For truly you are. Your parents gave you that. We gave you that, and it is implanted in you to shine now. So you can recognize each other.’ ~ Excerpt from May New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers, May 22nd 2020 Pleiadian Star Mothers channelling to the Lemurian Sisterhood.

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