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Libra Moon


Libra Moon

Loving and peaceful relationships can be a challenge at times and you may have some moments of trying to find your own balance in your own mind, body, heart and soul as there is some fiery and disruptive energy about over the next couple of days

The question is can you find the love within you to be at peace with yourself as you go deep into the inner realms and find that love you most need right now, can you have the friendship with you that you are seeking outside of yourself.

Maybe keeping the peace and not making waves has lead you to feeling resentful in your relationships as your needs haven’t been met. What are your needs? Has there been any communication around this?

Finding a balance can be tricky in our relationships and as this is the perfect time for negotiating and strategizing to work on having fairness and truth of our own views and in relationships we can restore any disharmony as we keep a calm and level headed approach to any issues that may need to be addressed.

Watch for any body parts that may be signalling any unresolved emotions such as urinary tract infections, kidney issues, reproductive system or ovaries and possibly your metabolism. This is your body speaking to you and as you notice this you can them seek help with firstly asking yourself what is the underlying reason this is here and then consider receiving energy healing to get to work on releasing the emotional baggage.

My services can be found here for your healing journey

Balanced living as a ShaWoman with the teachings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf & Kryon

‘What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.’ ~ Confucius

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