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Libra Moon

Libra Moon

The masculine and the feminine within you strives for inner peace to have a beauty of finding balance of both energies, this may show up through your relationships and the dynamics that are played out in your life assisting you to find that within yourself.

Past relationship imbalances from your childhood and upbringing and from any past lives that have affected your balance brings a beauty with it as you transform from the deep structures that have laid dormant for way too long.

The love and compassion you feel on an intuitive level for yourself and others brings the need for truth and for fairness in relationships though do take care in any communication that brings out that fiery streak as striving for peaceful outcomes will prevail.

How can anything that has been out of balance in my relationships have a peaceful resolve?

Do not shy away of your feelings and emotions now and allow them the space they need to heal from any manipulative or passive aggressive dealings in the past and trust in your love of self to be the peace maker and have a calm and level head to find outcomes that are a win/win for all.

Expand into the love that you are and speak with your heart, mind and soul your truth as you beautify and restore the relationship with yourself and discover the love that can heal any past relationship issues.

Be the love within you and be the peacemaker in your life for love heals all.

Are you ready to honour and love yourself, respect yourself, heal yourself and know who you are?

If you have answered yes, then please gift yourself this beautiful sacred space to do exactly that…find out more here:

In-person women’s circle:

Online women’s circle:

Bring balance into your life here as the Pleiadian Star Mothes and Mele’ha assist you with this:

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