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Libra Moon

Libra Moon

Come home to who you truly are as you let yourself take the barriers down and show your true being for now is the moment to surrender to the higher powers as peace and love will guide your way.

Make peace with those that are around you for all is connected in the divine plan to bring us back to love. Our relationships may have not have had balance and this is a result of our inner being not being in balance of the masculine and the feminine energies that are our true essence for a harmonious life in existence together.

As our life is in constant flow for finding the balance within, our outer world brings the people and situations into our lives to help us to see from a mirror perspective all that we have within us to be seen and to be healed.

Challenges and imbalances in our relationships will show up for us to be responsible for making the appropriate changes to restore the imbalances, and in working through the challenges the most important thing is to try to be calm in the process in any negotiations that may take place and to take care of communications if any harsh interactions rise.

Strive for a peaceful resolution in all relationships for then you will not carry this into other relatiohships in the future.

You may be looking to bring balance into your being and I can help you with this, connect with me to have a chat: or book your appointment:

I invite you to bring balance within as the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon assist in this process:

‘Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.’ ~ Albert Einstein

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