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Libra Moon


Libra Moon

Feel into the love that is in the air as you steady and centre yourself to not rock the boat now and keep the balance and stay in calm waters. There may be some fiery challenges ahead on your journey though and in those challenges stay in love with you and feel your passions bring you joy as you strive for your independence.

You have a strong sense of who you are now and you claim your identity with the unravelling of your powerful feminine beauty. Welcome her with and open heart and with confidence as you shine with brilliance.

Let your intuition guide you as you detach from any emotional triggering and let it flow to be released from your being, shutting your emotions down will only bring illness and dis-ease to you. This may show up in your urinary system, your reproductive organs and it may also affect your metabolism.

Resentment in our relationships comes from not respecting our own needs so take some time to bring peace to your own needs and strive for co-operation in understanding the needs of others also. We can play a part in bringing our relationships into a more balanced way with calmer and fair communication.

Bring a beautiful balance into your body, heart, mind and spirit with me in this Star Centre Meditation:

Allow Reiki to assist you in your life and bring you back to love and wholeness: book here:

‘Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.’ ~ John F. Kennedy

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