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Libra Moon


Libra Moon

Harmonise with the feelings in our heart and feel at home there. Allow our relationship with ourselves the space for acknowledging and appreciating our innate beauty as our values become more prevalent for our soul growth.

Some contemplating may need to take place as any past experiences and hurts that may have been hidden in the shadows may surface. Find the love and balance in our hearts as communications in our relationships could have some prickly spikes poking and prodding challenging our self-worth and our passionate heart and soul.

With a level head and calmness within our hearts strengthen the love within that holds the most power to not allow anyone who hasn’t taken the responsibility for healing their own inner wounds to take the harmony and love from our inner peace.

There is a choice in our outcome to be a peacemaker to beautify and restore harmony in our relationships by not shutting down our feelings and emotions and sweeping things under the rug or we can manipulate others passive aggressively to get our own needs met.

As our past wounds have risen for our healing, our self-mastery and balancing our divine feminine and divine masculine within allows our interactions in any negotiations to see the views of others from different angles. Interdependence in relationships is what we are striving for as we love and respect each other.

Explore deep into the Pleiadian teachings of Sacred Sexuality pre-dating Tantric teachings by around 25000 years with channellings from the Pleiadian Star Mothers, find out here:

Bring balance into your entire being with the loving energy of Reiki, Book your appointment with me here:

‘We long to see you living in joy. We long to see you awakening to your true nature as Divine Daughters and Sacred Sons of the Lemurian Akash of the Pleiadian Star Mothers.’ ~ snippet from New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers to the Lemurina Sisterhood, November 14th, 2020.

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