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Libra Moon


Libra Moon

Embrace your BEing into the love of all that is as you connect with your interconnectedness of the divine masculine and the divine feminine with the loving energy of moss and lichen assisting you to heal any emotional wounds with soft gentleness for you have gained much resilience in your adversity adapting to your inner strength as you persevere through any challenges that come your way opening you to your spiritual growth and abundant heart.

Be at peace with what is as you accept the beauty you behold as your divine sovereign self for balance and co-operation will assist you in any conversations that may feel deep and possibly harsh as hidden motives may be revealed. Trust in your truth to guide you for the most honest and fair outcomes as you speak with fairness and love.

Your dreams and visions are a part of your inner knowing that guides you onto your spiritual path that may come up against differing opinions and ideas of others that require some negotiating as to strategize and see the views of each side. Healing the inner wounds of the past has gained you freedoms to be your true authentic self though challenges may arise as others may differ in your achievements.

Anything out of balance will be transformed to assist you to gain a fair and just outcome in circumstances that need resolving and to be at peace with. Be mindful of any passive aggressiveness and indecision as you trust your deep feelings and your beliefs and honour your own soul’s needs as you ground them into reality.

Differing attitudes to an interdependent partnership that is balanced and committed brings counter forces against what is the foundations for a happy and loving partnership of co-operation and fairness for all. Challenges shake up any injustice deeply seated transforming outcomes that strive for equality and love.

As you respect your divine feminine powers and beautify and strengthen your tenacity honour your peace and balance within to uphold justice in any injustice for any changes in views of finances and values on our Earth there may be others views differing in opinions as we honour the resources Mother Earth brings for our sustainability and future growth.

Come into the Darkness of the Moon and discover her deep mysteries and nurture your divine feminine essence in a safe sacred space together in sisterhood:

Online Dark Moon in Scorpio Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In person Dark Moon in Scorpio Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Balance your body, mind, heart and spirit with the love of Reiki:

Enter the 11/11 portal embracing your Lemurian Akash with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and the wisdom of the Pleiadian Star Mothers, find out more here:

“What women have that men don’t, is natural mastery and elegance. When someone has a beautiful countenance, and is a beautiful example of caring, love, and compassion – They can win over anything and anyone on this planet. You know I’m right!

Women, take your power! Because the power we speak of is the same one we talk about all the time. It’s love, compassion, and the sense to use it with wisdom and gentleness.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona – January 16, 2016.

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