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Libra Moon


Libra Moon


Love and connection of equality is longing for the balance of the divine feminine and the sacred masculine within in broadening an interplay of interdependence in your relationships as you respect your sacredness and primal feminine nature navigate healthy boundaries finding a strong loving connection to the imperfectness accepting yourself for your true innate nature and divine gifts for opposing encounters ignite a desire to break free navigating through your feelings as a peaceful warrior watch for unpredictable passive-aggressive behaviour balancing any unhealthy escape patterns opening to your natural empathic flow.


As the depths of the dark shadows of power and control surface allow the clutches of undermining societies freedoms convey healing and transformation as unexpected shake ups bring sudden change out of the blue rocking the scales of justice and the foundations of material possessions feel into an optimistic presence for a fair and just outcome beautifying and deepening your higher wisdom and connection to your greater awareness of your loving bond to Mother Earth, Gaia gifting you the blessings of good fortune and growth in respectful ways.


Feel the fluctuation of nurturing your personal growth and individual needs while considering others needs to achieve harmony and peace upholding healthy boundaries as challenging festering communications allow decisions of old avoided matters the means for negotiation try not to overlook the need for escaping your true feelings for adventurous relationships may feel fun in the moment but may not be lasting recognise the need for balance and importance of your own individual identity in healing past childhood wounds as your own saviour reconciling your commitment with your inner knowing and responsibility for your spiritual essence.


As you consider balancing the beauty of equality feel into your senses and your intuition slowing down any decision making to consider and uncertainties taking care of impatience and shutting down your emotions to achieve and negotiate a fair outcome for all.


Embrace the love within you together in sisterhood this Magical Full Moon in Scorpio:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle: 


Allow Reiki love energy to balance your entire being: book your appointment here:


Evoke your Akashic memory with the gifts from the Pleiadians long ago with the beautiful Lemurian Activation Code Cards:


“The Moon, the tides, and the Divine Feminine all are being accentuated now as your Earth goes through her many changes. Yes, the Earth herself is going through many changes, as are the people. This is a cycle. We are not afraid of this cycle. And the less afraid you are, the easier the cycle will be, the more cohesive for communities will be. There is only power inside of you, for there is no reason to fear what is outside. It is change just like every moment change in the Moon cycle. You may see the moon as full or new or a quarter or a sliver. But every day, she is something different, something unique. It is for the energy of your planet, of your country, of your city, of your street, of your home, of your body.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, November Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, November 30th, 2020.


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